If you are interested to enter into the liquor business, then you will have to apply for a license, which is a mandatory requirement.
However, applying for Duval County liquor license is quite a complex process initially. Therefore, while applying for this license one must avoid the following mistakes.
Unfamiliarity with the liquor licenses types
There are various categories of liquor licenses that are available based on it you must apply for. Licensing type will depend upon whether the liquor will be served at your premise or will you send to the customer’s home.
The requirements for your license may also vary and therefore you must understand that before applying.
Not understanding the rules
It is a big responsibility to get a liquor license and hence in case if you try to violate any of the rules that you have agreed to while obtaining your license, then you are liable to be fined and also prosecution.
Therefore, it is very important to understand thoroughly all the rules like what constitutes legal or illegal serving of any kind of alcoholic drink.
Applying for liquor license during the last minute
Another thing that should bear in mind is that the licensing process takes a certain amount of time.
Therefore, you must apply for a license much in advance from the date when you plan to start your business. Often it may take more than a month or sometimes even a year to finally obtain your license.
Underestimating the expense
You need to understand that applying for a liquor license is quite expensive in most of the states as there are quotas applicable for offering license.
You should be ready to shell out a good amount of money to obtain your license for liquor.
Not having all the necessary documents
Be prepared to compile various documents for completing your application for a liquor license. You will need to include:
- Copy of the menu
- Certificate of incorporation
- EIN proof
- Title copies of your facility
Losing your liquor license after you have been approved
Often people may end up losing their liquor license after you have got it from the authority. You can lose your license in case you violate the rules. Following are a few offenses committed that can make you lose your license:
- Serving liquor to a minor
- Serving liquor during the wrong time
- Serving liquor in the wrong container
Therefore, you must familiarize yourself with various basic rules so that all your efforts and money spent on obtaining a liquor license may not go in vain.